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How To Start Make Compost At Home (And Why It’s a Good Thing)

If you have plants at home, you can make your plants a big favor to give them your own made soil and fertilizer

by composting at home.

It’s quite simple, really. The hard work is done by microorganisms – you just make sure their happy –

You don’t need to add any chemicals or artificial substances.

Things You Can Compost

  • Kitchen Scraps ie leftover peels from fruits and vegetables that are otherwise trashed.
  • Nutshells, crushed eggshells, coffee and tea bags can all go into the compost.
  • Yard Waste ie leaves, stems, plant clippings and even cut-up grass can be used in the


  • Paper Products ie newspapers, cardboards, toilet paper rolls can be added into the

compost after shredding them.

  • Wood Related Waste ie sawdust, burnt ashes and small pieces of wood can be added to

the compost.

Let’s Get Down To The How

First things first, you need a compost container. You need to put a good amount of all the

things mentioned above into the container. They need to be crushed into small pieces in

order for this to work. Now after you’ve done this, there’s a few ways you can skin this cat.

The compost needs to be segregated in terms of an organic “green” pile and a “brown pile”.

You can choose between what type of a compost container you want based on your needs.

If you’re doing it in your garden, you need an open-top container. In case you get a closed

container, it will have sufficient holes and segments for air to pass through and to turn the


That’s the most important part of the process.

For the first few weeks, leave the compost container on the ground with the bottom side

opened up so worms can enter through the earth and break it down into smaller pieces.

Every few weeks, make sure to turn it with a shovel. This will help add oxygen. Make sure to

water it every week as well so sufficient moisture remains intact.

You can also purchase a compost tumbler, which will cost a bit more but do the most

important part of the process, turning the compost, for you.

There may be a few hiccups along the way. Unwanted insects, rodents and raccoons can

mess with your compost. In order to prevent this from happening, make sure to cover up the

compost. If the compost starts smelling a lot, it means that you need to add “brown”

materials ie shredded leaves.

That’s about it. Follow these steps and you will have some natural and much needed

compost for your beloved plants.

Here are the products that we recommend you should use to get the best out of your

composting experience:

Compost Container for a small quantity of compost:

Multi-purpose Compost Container for a large amount of compost:

Compost Container for your garden:

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